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Uppsala 4-5 december 2014

Experiment i fysikundervisningen

Den 4-5 december 2014 anordnade Cedric Linder i Uppsala en workshop med bl.a. Eugenia Etkina och Gorazd Planinšič om laborationer i fysikundervisningen. Läs mer

Thursday 4 December 2014, Ångströmlaboratoriet

House 8, basement, start in room 8K1103: (See full program with rooms for all sessions at:

 8.45 Coffee & opening
 9.00 Introduction to IOLab possabilities (with Mats Selen and Filip Heijkenskjöld).
 9.30 Start ISLE workshop (with Eugenia Etkina and Gorazd Planinšič)
10.00 Coffee and discussion
10.30 ISLE workshop continues
12.00 Lunch
13.00 ISLE workshop continues
14.00 Lab work using an embodied perspective (with Jesper Bruun and Bjørn Friis Johannsen)
14.45 Coffee and discussion
15.30 Lab work in playgrounds and amusement parks (with Ann-Marie Pendrill)
16.15 How infrared (IR) cameras may be used to strengthen learners' conceptions in mechanics and thermodynamics (with Jesper Haglund).
(17.00 Informal Discussions)
18.00 Dinner together

Friday 5 December 2014

9.00 Introducing the IOlab and its possibilities -- practice and research opportunities (with Mats Selen and Filip Heijkenskjöld
10.30 Coffee and discussion
11:00 Bringing the Variation Theory of Learning into the laboratory setting -- an example from the student electronics laboratory (with Tobias Fredlund, John Airey and Cedric Linder)
12.30 - 14.30 Lunch, coffee and discussion

Cedric Linder and Ann-Marie Pendrill

(Contact if your like to participate)

Links that may be useful:

(Studentanmälan till delar av programmet)